February 10, 2015 archive

Streaming Live Now – DNSSEC Workshop At ICANN52

Right now the DNSSEC Workshp is streaming live out of ICANN 52 in Singapore.  You can watch and listen live at:


You can also download the slides that will be presented today.  As you look at the agenda, please note that all times are Singapore Time which is UTC+8. (So, for instance, the 8:30 am SGT start time of the DNSSEC Workshop on Wednesday, 11 Feb, will be 1:30am Wednesday in Central European Time and 7:30pm Tuesday evening in US Eastern time.)   Here is a view from the room today:

ICANN 52 DNSSEC Workshop

We’re looking forward to a great day of discussions!


Watch Live NOW – DNSSEC Workshop From ICANN52 In Singapore

ICANN 52 - SingaporeWhat is happening with DNSSEC in the Asia-Pacific region? What are DNSSEC and DANE all about, anyway? What challenges are large DNS operators encountering when deploying DNSSEC?

As I mentioned last week,  all these questions are being discussed TODAY (in fact right now) at the DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 52 in Singapore.  You can watch and listen live at:


You can also download the slides that will be presented today.  As you look at the agenda, please note that all times are Singapore Time which is UTC+8. (So, for instance, the 8:30 am SGT start time of the DNSSEC Workshop on Wednesday, 11 Feb, will be 1:30am Wednesday in Central European Time and 7:30pm Tuesday evening in US Eastern time.)   Here is a view from the room today:


The sessions for today will be:

  1. Introduction and DNSSEC Deployment Around the World
  2. DNSSEC Deployment in the Asia Region
  3. 10th Anniversary of DNSSEC Workshops
  4. Reverse DNS and DNSSEC in Japan
  5. ccTLD Deployment Experiences
  6. The Operational Realities of Running DNSSEC
  7. When Unexpected DNSSEC Events Occur
  8. DNSSEC and DNS Operators

As a member of the Program Committee, I am very pleased with the presentations and speakers we have and I’m very much looking forward to the event. The last panel, in particular, is of interest to me as it will involve a number of DNS operators, including CloudFlare, talking about challenges they have encountered while rolling out large-scale DNSSEC and looking to identify solutions within the community. It should be a very interesting session. I also always enjoy the DNSSEC case studies from the regional panels.

If you want to get started NOW with deploying DNSSEC, why not visit our Start Here page to find resources tailored for your type of organization?

ISOC at ICANN52, Wednesday: The DNSSEC Workshop And Other Technology Topics

As happens on every Wednesday of an ICANN week, a major focus today will be the 6+ hour DNSSEC Workshop that will bring together some of the greatest DNS-related technical minds from across the industry for a session focused on how we continue to move DNSSEC forward and make the Internet more secure.  Attendees will learn about the current state of DNSSEC deployment within the region, about new tools and services and will discuss some of the current challenges and work together to discussion potential solutions.  Organized by the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), the DNSSEC Deploy

Dan York