
Old Maps of New England…

It is not globes, per se, but the Burlington Free Press recently ran an article about a gent name David Allen who has a site called Old Maps. He is basically going around digitizing old maps with the intent of preserving them. He puts them on CD and makes them available for sale. He recently […]


Other globe collectors are welcome to post here…

As part of my continued exploration of TypePad, I wouldn’t mind experimenting with multiple authors participating in a weblog, so if you are a collector of globes and would be interested in contributing posts here, feel free to contact me at "dyork at Lodestar2 dot com" and I can set you up to post.


Welcome to “This Old Globe”

As I was preparing to post an entry to my primary weblog about some recent globe purchases, I realized that: a) these postings had really nothing to do with the other stuff I talk about; and b) it might be a nice excuse to try out TypePad and the new ecto offline client I’d like […]